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Expert Tutoring Services

Connect with qualified tutors for personalized learning across all stubjects and domains.

About TutorLink

Connecting students with qualified tutors for personalized learning experiences in various subjects to enhance understanding and performance.

Do Something Great neon sign
Do Something Great neon sign
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black smartphone near person

Frequently asked questions

How does TutorLink work?

TutorLink offers 1:1 sessions, live and online, for students in all grades. We offer a variety of services and work to pair our tutors and students perfectly! You'll receive basic guidance and assistance, and we will review sessions to ensure quality and consistency among our tutors.

Am I eligible to teach for TutorLink Experiences?

Are you patient? Do you like to work with kids? Then you are almost there. We prefer our tutors be state-licensed teachers, however, we also know that there are tutors with expertise beyond a certification that can reach our students too! So, we have a TutorLink Certification Course to prepare for working with our students.

Will I have to follow a predetermined way of teaching?

Nope! The way you structure your sessions is up to you. Sessions are 20 minutes long. You can decide which areas you want to cover and how you want to deliver the instruction. We have resources to help you plan sessions, as needed.

Are students evaluated?

Yes, each initial 15-minute "trial" session involves a quick evaluation. This helps parents and tutors understand where the student may need additional help.

If a student loves my class, will I continue teaching them?

Yes! When a student signs up for TutorLink for the first time, we assign them to a vetted teacher who is well-suited to their needs. The first class is your chance to show the student and parents how you’ll help them reach their goals. If they love you, you will work together for as long as they need.

How do I get started?

After you submit your application, we’ll review it and schedule the first interview. We’ll also request some basic information to run a background check. If you’re approved, we’ll provide the necessary documentation for you to get started planning your class schedule. And then it’s time to teach!

If you are not a licensed teacher then you will receive information on how to become a certified TutorLink tutor!

How much will I get paid?

This is an important question! Our pay scale is competitive and offers flexibility for all tutors. Specific pay details are shared with Tutors during orientation. All tutors are independent contractors and are issued 1099s.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

TutorLink transformed my learning experience, making complex subjects easy to understand and enjoyable!

Emily R.

laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table

The personalized attention from my tutor helped me excel in math and regain my confidence.

James T.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer